
As a community, we adhere to the following core beliefs:

  • There is one God, existing eternally in three distinct persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

  • The Bible is true and authoritative for the believer in Christ, giving us what we need to know and understand God as well as how best to live as His people.

  • Without God, man will always make poor choices that lead to sinful behavior and ultimately separation from both God and the life that He has created us to live.

  • Jesus is the Son of God who gave His life sacrificially as a payment for the sin of all mankind. He died, was buried and rose from the dead by the power of God. He is the only way to God. And one day He will return to make all things new.

  • The Holy Spirit is God and convicts humanity of our need for Jesus' sacrifice for our sins. He indwells each person who professes faith in Christ and enables them to live the life that God has created them to live.

  • The Church is the body of Christ and the physical representation of Jesus to the world. Through our words and our actions, we demonstrate that Jesus was who He said He was. We were never meant to live life alone. We were always meant to experience life in authentic community with others. The Church is driven by the mission of God to reconcile humanity to their Creator.


